Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Post Secret

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is to me....

I have stopped may daily ritual of reading the obituaries. It started when I was a kid. I guess it was the faces in the paper that drew my attention. That and I adored my grandma and she was always reading the obituaries, though she had a purpose, her friends were actually dying.

For a long while I didn't get the paper so I had " kicked the habit." Then came the internet (dun, dun, dun). My habit began again, but not daily...more like an "I'm bored lets see who died kinda thing" (hush, it makes sense to me!). I have no idea what my fascination is. The first thing I do is browse over the names and then I always look at the person's age. If they are above 70, I browse it over real quick. The younger they are the more intently I read. Sometimes the crazy person in me even put their name into the facebook search. Why, again I have no idea, I think it is well established I am a crazy person!

Anyways, after my dad died the whole ritual took on a new purpose. I couldn't miss a day of obituaries, not one. If I did then lucky me, you can search past dates, and I would. I'm a little embarrassed to say why I had to search the obituaries but here is where I let it out.... post my secret....

Drunk Driver- everyday since you killed my dad I have searched the obits for your name. When I found out you moved to a new city/state, well I started daily watching the obits there....

I don't know what I thought I'd find, relief perhaps? Probably just hoping justice would finally be served.

But I am happy to say that this is no longer my secret. Not only becasue I just told you but becasue I've stopped looking. One more tie that this man had over me is gone.

I am Free!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dropping the ball. Errr, the soap!

I was in the shower and had a realization.... Yes, one that I can share without a TMI moment... but not quite yet. First I must pick on my Brad a bit. It isn't his favorite past time of mine but he knows it is all in love so here goes....

Like all men, my husband is oblivious. Oblivious to the laundry basket 2 inches from where he tosses his clothes, oblivious to the dishwasher sitting open after dinner waiting for plates to be fed to it, and oblivious to the child reaching for something that he just can't reach when he is again only 2 inches away. But I guess that is a gender trait- I can't fault him for it ( though I do becasue really IT IS TWO INCHES FROM YOU!!!!) I digress....

Unexpectedly, while I was in the shower I came to a realization. There are a few things, okay probably many, that I am unaware of  but are on his radar  (however, since I am perfect, everything is on my radar so I don't know what crazy I am talking : P )

Anyways, I never have to replace the soap- there is always a bar there when I go to take a shower, always. It made me think, what else in the house is just always there for me without me having to make sure it is... I came up with nothing. I'd like to joke here that my husband can do nothing but remember to change the soap. And then make another witty comment about how it is he still manages to be a stinky man when he does such a good job with the soap. Or maybe something about how  his own stink is what reminds him to get soap but I won't.... see I didn't type a thing about that!

What I will say is that I know for a fact, being the perfectionist that I think I am, I often overlook the small things Brad does for us or even the big things that I don't think are done the way I would do them. So I'll work on it Brad, I promise. Everyday when I am in the shower with my bar of soap, the one that I didn't have to be responsible for, I'll be reminded. So don't forget the soap! Because that I will surely notice!