So this afternoon I was sitting with Lucy in the waiting room of Wyatt's counselors office. There is an older gentleman there waiting as well. The room is silent. I'm reading about the hottest celeb bodies thinking I wish I could airbrush all of my pictures as well and Lucy is killing Mario and Luigi over and over and over. Then, BAM " HELLO THIS IS GERALD. YES, I CAN'T FIND MY CONSUMERS BILL......." The older gentleman is on his cell phone and he is a loud talker (and an over-sharer).
Loud talkers make me crazy and if you are one, and my friend, I will let you know. If you are one and a stranger well I will glare at you because I haven't worked up the nerve yet to say anything and really I try not to be that person anyways. You may be one of those people who wouldn't think twice about telling someone to quiet down- well after this blog you might.
I didn't say anything to Gerald or give him any glares. I figured he is old, probably can't hear well and the big sign in front of him saying shut you cell phones off- well I'll just pretend he didn't see it.
Our friend Gerald just kept making phone calls and suddenly the "you could hear a pin drop" silence was interrupted by his booming voice. I wasn't paying attention to him so every time it happened it would startle me. I learned a lot about Gerald. He just got out of the hospital yesterday after being admitted for 20 days. In this time period he didn't pay any of his bills and had lost them. He went to bed at 8pm last night and slept until 10am. He also had a paper that he needed to send back to keep his health care benefits but he couldn't find it either. He was in the hospital for gastroenteritis, and man it was bad until they figured it out.... I know his address, his phone number, his health insurance number... ok well they have fallen out of my brain but you know....
Not only was he a loud talker and over-sharer on the phone but he was filling out new patent forms and every time he went up to the counter, " BLAH, BLAH, BLAH..." This is where the interesting information came out. He is a retired school employee, he doesn't have a next of kin, that would be becasue his family abandoned him and moved to Florida, won't have any contact with him at all, not even an address and he doesn't know why, he saw the same Doctor from 1970 something until 2001, he has been to 3 different counseling offices recently, the last one- well the therapist there told him he was homicidal and didn't want to be his therapist in fear he'd kill him, he has a cat with a ....What? Back that up... homicidal?
Gee, I have no idea why Gerald's family would hide out in FL away from him? And wow, so glad I kept my mouth shut and my glares down! I sure hope Gerald's appointments don't fall on the same day/time as Wyatt's again I may know to keep my mouth shut but someone else might not and I don't want to be in attendance for that!