Monday, June 14, 2010

The Simplifying Update

I figured you are due a decluttering update. Rooms done thus far-
master bedroom
boys room
Lucy's room
family room
living room
hall closet
dining room
front closet

So that leaves rooms left to work on-
the kitchen
and (doom, doom, doom- insert ominous music)
the basement
the garage

I've been putting the kitchen off because I am certain there must be a better way to store things that I am just not seeing. Maybe they make organization glasses for those of us blind to it? I don't know why I have a hard time organizing- I am a very efficient person. I think that is the problem- I am too efficient- yep, going with that. I can see too many different strategies of what would work best for different reasons and I just can't condense them down into one good way. My plan is to have a friend come over and brainstorm with me. Plus bonus! That is an extra pair of hands too (wink wink Cheryl).

I would ask Brad but frankly that would be like asking one of the kids to give me a hand. I love him but that boy can't even locate the dishwasher. He thinks everything belongs on the counter tops. (When I read Brad this blog, I'll leave that part out... he thinks I bash him, I think he should be glad he makes so many appearances is my blog and I love him not in spite of his quirks but because of them. Okay, I could do without the dirty dishes and clutter on my counters from him but I'll go the safe route and say that is all part of what makes him him- the him that I love! Plus what would I have to blog about without him?!)

So, Kitchen- kinda done, some stuff gotten rid of but what is there needs more organization.

The basement is what I am dreading the most. I think a hoarder lives down there. A messy, messy hoarder! There is no real system of organization going on in that dump. Boxes seem to empty themselves all on their own. I straighten it all the time is seems, but with in days it is back to its strune about messy self. This is an area that Brad has to be totally on board with me. The last time I cleaned the basement I counted Brad's boxes of random things. Twenty, he has twenty. And I'm not talking twenty small boxes. Nope, more like big monitor boxes. I covered the whole Brad won't let me get rid of his stuff thing in the blog about cleaning out our bedroom. I mean God Forbid I throw out a notebook from college that has only one page of notes in it or his 1980's High Top British Knights from high school basketball. I mean he might want to pull those bad boys out if he goes to shoot some hoops. (alright they were Nike not BKs and after much ado he did let me donate them) I'm guessing the basement is going to take a few weeks. I'd like to do it in a weekend but I am pretty sure that won't happen, Brad needs time to part with his ancient belongings he hasn't seen in 10 plus years or even remembered owning.

The garage- well that won't be too bad. Just straightening kid toys and some of Brad's stuff lining all the walls.

Once I get everything done then the plan is to do another run through every room. Things are bound to get moved around. Places I put thing may not be working as well as it could be.

Part of my life simplifying plan is to work on behavior issues with the kids. Levi yells at Wyatt too much and Wyatt cries about everything. Lucy, well she is 3- I think she is doing ok so far. So I need to figure out how to address and change these issues. Then there is things like getting the kids to do chores without me telling them over and over. Frankly, I'd like to not even have to tell them- I want them to know what they are to do and then they just do it. Maybe I am dreaming but I think this is possible as well.

School is out on Thursday ( I can't believe how late into the summer it is running this year!). I plan on coming up with some strategies and having a family meeting over the weekend so we start out the summer with guidelines in place. I'm not completely sure what these guidelines are but I do know one- we will have "Wire Free Wednesdays" We all need a day without TV, computers, and video games. I'm sure I'll have FB withdraw, Brad and Wyatt will have gaming withdraw, and Levi and Lucy will have TV withdraw. But I think it will be a step in making us an even closer family. This is important as the kids get older and are pulled away more and more.

So I have some brainstorming to do over the next few days! I'll fill ya in later with what I come up with and how it goes.

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