Brad's inability to get out of bed is spreading- hurry stay away or all the life will be sucked from you! It must be the bed, it gets lonely all day and now realizes how nice it is to have warm bodies in it 24/7. Now it is on a mission to stay full at all times. I think only men are at danger of catching the life suker disease though.
Wyatt, Brad's mini-me, has gotten to close to the bed and the disease has spread. He hurt his neck playing too much DSi (yet another life sucker). So now what is he doing? Oh he is whining for pain meds telling me how he has to lay in bed with dad all day.
I made the mistake of telling Wyatt get up for dinner, oh good lord! Not that dinner is every a pleasureable experince with the world's pickiest eater but tonight was just rediculous. Ya know what the problem is tonight, it wasn't that he didn't like his food. Oh no, it is that he thinks he can only eat soft foods now...due to the neck pain of course. Gee, I have no idea where he gets the "lets milk this for all it is worth" gene.
There is one more boy left in the house for life suker to spread to. Luckily he is out with friends.
I know there is probably more to the story and really it is just Wyatt missing Brad and wanting to spend time with him...but can't the whining part of it be left out, I'm just so spent!
I wonder what the cure is...amputation isn't really an option, I like my bed (in moderation) maybe if I don't change the sheets the smell of 24/7 Brad will kill the life sucker germs. But then I'll have to sleep on the couch for a while....hmmmm.....
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