Friday, April 9, 2010

Baby Steps

Well step by step Brad is making improvements. Definitely baby steps not the normal giant person Brad steps.

At the 3 week mark, to the day Brad finally drank out of a cup vs syringe and tube. This was HUGE for me, and him too I guess! One for the baby book indeed! I had been asking him to try the big boy cup every couple of days but Brad kept assuring me he couldn't do it. Maybe it was more like why bother, you feeding me my every meal is quite nice. Babies don't like to have their bottles taken away ya know.

When he did drink it was kind of "forced" on him. A work friend came over and was chatting but Brad was hungry. He just didn't want to do the syringe feeding with her there so he grabbed the cup and took a drink! Woo Hoo! He has to hold his lip a little since he still doesn't have feeling in it but hey it works! It has made eating a lot less of a hassle for both of us. I know he was very  happy with this discovery.

The dietitian at the hospital told us Brad should be able to drink from a cup around the one week mark, so he went an extra two in true Brad form! She also said a small rim cup would work best. I tried to tell Brad this but he insisted at first that no cup would work then later that the cup he originally drank from (an adult normal rimmed one) was just fine. Then  I brought him a Gatorade bottle to drink- he commented on how much easier it was to drink out of that- imagine that a small rimmed cup is easier, who would have thunk it! Why oh why does he continue to doubt me and my awesome always rightness?! Once he began drinking from a cup my life got a little easier!

At 3 weeks and 5 days I finally drug him out of the house for something other then a Dr appt. We took the kids to see a movie. He was trying to get out of it- Oh my stomach hurts, I just don't know if I can, my ear hurts.... It took a little guilt tripping (my specialty!) with some huffing and puffing added in but I got him out FINALLY! Seriously like sitting in a chair at the movie theater is that much more work then sitting in your bed or on our couch!

When he was getting dressed to go we discovered his pants no longer fit! Bye Bye 38in waist hello 32! Well I don't actually know what his waist is but I'd guess smaller then 36. Yay Brad! You are now not the same length around as you are high (leg length that is!)

At the 4 week mark he finally started getting out of bed on a regular basis and somewhat participating with the living world again (other then the online living world). His face is swelling a bit but that is still expected. The day of the movie his ears were bothering him amplifying every sound inside his body but that went away later that night.

He tucked the kids in for the first time in a month. Has let the dog out. Brad now warms his own food up too (but still doesn't take care of his dishes, something just will never change).

He has been medicating himself since about the 3 week mark as well. He is still taking the occasional Motrin for swelling and pain. He has Tylenol with codeine now instead of the Oxy, a medicated mouthwash to fight off bacteria, and another Rx mouthwash (called Magic Mouthwash) to help numb the sores on his tongue from the wires in his mouth. I no longer have to set a timer and remind him when he needs his next dose.

Monday he is supposed to return to work. I still don't see that happening. Today I had him go to SAMS Club with me. That wore him out and only took maybe 2 hours (the kids ate pizza there then we stopped on the way home for ice cream). Plus he sat in the car while the kids and I had ice cream.

I think Monday he will work, from home, not in the office. Talking is still bothering him as well. He has worked a little from home in the last couple of days but anytime someone needs to talk with him they have been IMing or emailing.

Oh and seeing him up before noon- that will be a shock to his system as well! Sorry Brad with no more sleep apnea you have no excuse for having to sleep until 2pm (unless I get to sleep until noon too, then it is totally acceptable!) He keeps saying he has insomnia- nope you have yousleptalldayfcourseyoucan'tsleepatnight-ia!

I still don't have the end of this in sight but at least it is getting easier. My newborn has made it through those years, perhaps even through the toddler years, I'd  say we are at Preschool level now! Oh no! I just thought...what do the teen years have in store for me?!

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