Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Feeling Flaky?

Marmaduke thinks he is Nemo.... Yep, my dumb dog thinks he is a fish.

Okay, maybe he doesn't really think he is a fish but apparently flakes just sounded like the best food ever to him. Why does this dog act like we never feed him? And flakes? Really? Yes, he ate an entire can of Fish Food Flakes.

The thought never crossed my mind that the dog might want to eat the fish's food. I was afraid he'd try to eat the fish. I even gave Wyatt a big speech about if Linus kills the fish how we'd get him new ones... but the fish's food??? I mean I've caught this dog gnawing on a dead bunny, he has puked up something with fur on the floor of my bedroom (did you just puke a little in your mouth?), and he even killed my friends pet guinea pig (oh and in front of the children too! gasp!) Yes, he is a murderer, so why would he settle for flakes when there are two tasty fish right there? Maybe he has seen the error of his ways and is making changes? A doggie 12 step program? I'm glad he chose the flakes over the fish but I'm shocked...

But why? I mean I shouldn't be give his history of eating any and everything. Maybe it is like some delicacy in the dog world right up there with poopy diapers. But sorry Linus, I will not be stocking up on flakes for you (and we are done with diapers too).

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