What am I doing tomorrow afternoon? Oh well I am taking Wyatt shopping for a fish.
What crack head came up with this idea?! Oh yea, it was ME!!! I'm the idiot. Me, Mrs. I-Hate-Pets had this brilliant plan.The reasoning behind this plan- make dinner less miserable!
You see, Wyatt makes every dinner unbearable with his constant complaining. There is no winning with him. He can even find reasons to complain about his favorite meals. What is this? What is this brown thing? Spices? Aw mom, asparagus, yuck. What is in this? Do I like this? How much do I have to eat? Can I be done yet? I need my fork cleaned between foods. My food is touching. It is too hot/cold. This smells funny.....Yep, he has a Masters Degree, in complaints. So in my never ending quest to have a peaceful, tear and complaint free dinner I devised a plan. Find something he really wants and make him earn it.
So of all the things he might possibly want, what do I decide to use as bribery? A fish, that is what! If you recall he wanted to trade Linus in for a fish. I figured if Levi gets his pet of choice, that dumb dog, I should let Wyatt have a pet too. Especially one as easy as a fish. But it sure wasn't just getting handed to him. Nope, he'd have to earn it.
I was certain that this plan was brilliant. Why? Oh because I was sure that there was no way Wyatt could accomplish the feat before him- 3 weeks straight without complaining about dinner. The rule was if he went a week and then complained the three weeks started over. Okay, so I didn't really think he'd never get there. I just thought it would take a while- ya know like longer then 3 weeks and 3 days. My thought was no way will this happen quickly, it would be at least winter by the time he got there. Yep, I have months and months of dangling this fish over him. That was my wrong thinking!
Shockingly to me he made it pretty much from the start. The first couple days he wasn't getting it but once he got a couple days in he decided he was in for the long haul. He had the fish in sight and nothing, not even asparagus with little seasoning pieces or God forbid a casserole where food is actually mixed together was going to derail him!
He is Whiny Wyatt, so I'd let one little " what is this?" said in a complaining voice go. I'd reply with, "oh are we starting over?" Then zip went his whiny lip...well and unzip to put the food in and all!
He keeps making comments about what he gets IF he keeps the complaining down some more. "Maybe a second fish," he says. "Ya know, my fish will need a friend...."
So now I am starting to wonder if he really learned anything from this other then how to hold back when a prize is on the line. What is going to happen at tomorrows dinner when the fish is happily swimming in a bowl at our house and not the pet store? Do I tell him if he doesn't knock it off we will be having goldfish tomorrow (or betta, or whatever fish we end up with)???? Or am I going to end up with an aquarium FULL of fish, a new one added every three weeks....hmmm... is a complaint free meal worth that much hassle. NO! No it is not! So be quiet and eat your food or the fish gets it! Yep, I think that is the route I'll take!!!
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