Saturday, May 1, 2010

Puss Equals What?

Well sorry Brad, but I am afraid for the sake of my blog you dear, are going to have to endure another surgery. I keep trying to think of something funny to blog about but it just doesn't seem as funny as my rants about you, blender explosions, Doctor appointments.....

I mean think about it, surely it is worth it. You suffer a teeny tiny little bit and the rest of us, well we all get a good laugh over it...yep, sounds reasonable to me! Come on man, take one for the team!

Oh wait, what am I saying!? I am apparently forgetting the one major theme through my surgery blogs, my annoyance! I mean my love, my love for Brad.

Today I missed out on a great blogertunity (yep just coined that word!). Brad developed a cyst behind his ear and he went to the Doctor to drain it. I couldn't go along. I made him see the Dr because frankly I had no idea what this weird blood filled sac like area behind his ear was. Had my Google medical degree given me clearance to pop it I so would have. But my worst case scenario brain had me going straight to blood clot. Yep, he has a blood clot that close to his brain, don't touch it, don't make it move!!! Oh my God will he make it through the night!? Yep, that is how my brain works, pleasant sleeping I tell ya, so pleasant and peaceful!

Oh how awesome would  it have been to witness the cyst popping. Okay so yes, gross, I am one of those people that likes to pop things, puss = awesome. Good thing I have beautimus skin otherwise I'd be scarred beyond belief from picking.

But back to the awesome cyst popping... Seriously, so sad I missed this. Not only for the popping/draining part of it but the Brad enduring it part- I would have enjoyed that. Yep, I like to hurt people too. I so totally should have been a dentist or some pain causing job like that. Fun facts about Becky...maybe I should add a few more positive ones about me here, I'm really selling myself it seems.

Okay, so the fun part wouldn't have been Brad in pain, it would have been me cracking jokes while he is in pain. Our Dr, well I love her, and she is hilarious too. Yep, woulda been a great time. When Brad got home he even told me how he and our Dr discussed how much I would have loved being at that appointment.

Okay Brad, I guess no more surgery but save these fun appointments for when I am there!

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