I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with all the clutter I am removing from our home. I'm certain I have mentioned before that I just hate garage sales and Craigslist...oh stupid Craigslist people don't even get me off on that tangent!
Giving everything away just seemed wasteful. I knew a lot of the items could sell if I bothered. But man oh man I just don't want to! Luckily, the perfect solution appeared (ahhhhhhhh (this is angels singing))- my Mother in Law (not the angel- haha sorry V had to add that ya know) was having a garage sale. What? Put my name on stuff and then dump it for someone else to deal with??? I'm so there! Okay, so I didn't have intentions of just dumping it, I knew I'd have to help some. But no sign making, no advertising, no having to bother getting change, I can be late, leave early, blame the sun for my need to not work, I'm like a bad employee that still gets paid! SOLD!
The sale started on Thursday. My intention was to have everything at her house, priced, and set up on a table in her garage on Wednesday night (ya know in case I was late Thursday morning 9am is terribly early for me). So in true Brad form (haha, okay Becky form) at 8pm Wednesday night after the kids were already supposed to be in bed, we loaded up the kids in both Jeeps (picking which items to take right then!) and headed to the in-laws. There we began setting items on our table and quickly pricing them.We sent the kids out back becasue Lucy had already cuddled herself up with a Pooh Bear I had removed from her room over a year ago and Wyatt a singing cow. Ya know stuffed animals- a mothers favorite toy.
Let me go off on a tangent here... who gives kids stuffed animals? I'll tell ya who- people without kids! Stuffed animals are the most useless toy ever. And they take up a ton of space. You can't just toss those things in a bin or toy box they take up the whole thing. So then what do you end up doing? Oh either hanging them in a corner net to collect dust because no one can reach them or stacking them on the end of your kid's bed. They fall off constantly cluttering the floor, when the bed needs to be made you have to remove the small army of stuffed germ carriers first then pile them all back on afterward. Those things can't really be washed either. I'll give ya that every kid need one or two stuffed animals to sleep with but all you insane gift givers out there- leave it to the parents to buy these lovies, keep your Christmas bears, singing farm animals, and gigantic monkeys for your own house!
Now that I got that out, back to the sale. Thursday morning I was up and at my MIL's house before 8:30! And I am talking AM here not PM! We set up and I hung out most of the day. A trip to take Lucy to the Dr back home to grab Wyatt but back until I had to get Levi. Friday I had plans so I wasn't going to show up but my plans got canceled, guess I better go help. Actually I didn't mind. Laying on a blanket under a tree in the shade was nice. The kids just ran around and bonus MY HOUSE IS STAYING CLEAN!!! No one is there to dirty it! Plus the fridge is still broken so no groceries equals no cooking still either!
Yep! That was my view all day long!
Friday was the day I cleaned up, money wise that is! I swear every sale was mine, it was nice to see my list get longer and longer. But on Friday my sun allergy kicked in, I developed an itch rash on my chest. I'm not sure if it was from Thursday's garage sale time or a trip to the park on Tuesday??? Nevertheless, I was itchy and far more conscious about the sun light the rest of my garage sale time.
Saturday, the whole gang came along- Brad included! It was a nice family day just lounging in the yard. I was blogging Wyatt's fish story and Facebooking of course. ( I was blissfully unaware of this picture being taken and uploaded to Facebook by my wonderful husband who should know by now people w/o chins do not like pictures taken from the side! Warn a girl! I gotta try to stick that bottom jaw out, we can't all be so lucky as to have jaw surgery and a new chin- haha yes, I said lucky! No, I don't want to endure what he has all for a chin, I'll pass and continue complaining about random side view pictures for the rest of my life instead, thank you!)
Brad, other then snapping horrid pictures of me, was sewing- yes, sewing... Our camping shair he was sitting in began to rip ( HIS chair not mine, I'm a feather) and to my surprise he went in, got a needle, thread, and a thimble (yes a thimble!) and began repairing the chair!) How domestic!!!
I lowered the prices on a few items and at noon we made most of the stuff 1/2 off. My table was getting emptier and emptier- yay! I really wanted to sell a stroller and a toy box. I got the stroller sold- so that's good.
There weren't too many crazy garage sale people. I was really hoping for a fun garage sale story, who needs peopleofwalmart.com when you could have peopleatagaragesale.com, maybe there is already a website for that? I'm not looking- you can! There was this guy in a crazy weird pointy hat- I tried to get Brad to snap a picture but apparently his camera only works if he needs to post a bad picture of me. Oh and there was a couple ladies in this car- I can't believe this car was actually driving. It was a big 80's boat car with the front lights/grill area just gone. The color- well it was just all rust, no idea what color it used to be. I swear they just drove that thing straight out of the trailer park, oh sorry I mean junk yard. ( and yes I can pick fun at trailer parks becasue I grew up in one!)
Anyways, out of about 3 Jeep loads we only brought back maybe one. And really near all of that is going to The Goodwill tomorrow! We made near $200, not a fortune but it is something. And now I feel like I can just donate the rest of the stuff I find as my declutterization continues. I only have a toy box and like 3 new-in-box toys to try to sell at the moment!!! I'm wondering if I should take our "donate stuff" to the closest Goodwill, it is usually the one I do- very convenient, drive up, they get it out of your car right there....BUT it is the Goodwill my mom goes to, will she just re-buy it all and bring it back? You do know she can't be stopped! I was noticing as I have been decluttering- she has bought nearly everything in my house...okay the small stuff, the get rid of stuff, toys, clothes, dozens of hot pads, plastic dishes, candy (omg the candy! and no I'm not donating candy- I serious threw away an entire garbage bag of candy the boys had stored in their closet- how in the world had the dog not sniffed that out?)
My path to a Simpler Life is going well. A few more rooms/closets to go but so far I am quite proud!
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