Saturday, March 6, 2010

He just gets to lay there and recover....

I finally made it to one of Brad's appointments, the previously mentioned Pre-op. I was feeling very out of the loop, only hearing what to expect as second hand from Brad. And face it men, you just do not relay information very well.

I am the one in charge of all the after-care, I mean come on, Brad has the easy job. He just gets to lay there and recover! hehehe.... But no, I don't want to switch places with him!

Anyways, I was feeling very apprehensive about what to expect. How long will he be in the hospital, how do I feed him, how does he take the meds he usually takes every day, all that kind of stuff.... Unfortunately, this pre-op appt didn't really answer my questions. Note to all partners out there- go to the INITIAL appt, the one before they are actually approved for surgery! (At least in Brad's case that was the informative one.)

So some lil tid bits I do know. We do not find out what time his surgery is until the night before. This is not very convenient when you have a long drive! I am going to look into hotels right now because I think I'll either want to stay with Brad the night before or on my own the night of if it runs late.

Surgery will take about 5 hours. I get to spend these 5 hours alone in Ann Arbor- fun. This is when I wish all of my friends didn't have kids. After surgery he will be admitted into the ICU. I don't get to go see him until he is all set in his room. I'm not sure if ICU visitor hours come into effect here or not but no way am I leaving w/o seeing him! The idea of him having to go directly to ICU after surgery freaks me out, really highlights just how major this surgery is.

During the following days they will monitor his breathing etc... to decide a discharge date. Normal hospital stay is 3-5 days. I will be informed during his discharge on all the proper post-op care, how and what to feed him, when he is allowed to do certain activities again, how to medicate him, when to call the Dr.... I was hoping my Father in Law could go with me to pick him up just for driving reasons but now I am thinking I want my Mother in Law to come so she can know all this stuff too and help me out when needed.

So here we are 5 days away....

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