Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hello Angelina!

I wasn't sure what to expect as I followed the nurse back to Brad laying in recovery. Wow, shock to the system. He definitely did not look like my Brad.

First site were his lips- oh wow those lips. I think 5 times their regular size is actually under exaggerating it. The Angelina Jolie lips were covered with an air mask. He had a white wrap going from the top of his head down under his chin. His whole head was swollen and blood stained. You could tell they had used his poor face as a table.

The nurse back there told me he looked better then a lot of the patients who undergo MMA. Usually they call them "tomato heads" because they are just so bloody.  I'm glad I wasn't a family member walking in to see a tomato head, that would be horrid.

I found out they hadn't wired his mouth shut yet, he needed the airway to breath through the night. So that was the reason for the white bandage.

I touched his hand and his eyes opened. He started to talk to me. What?! You can talk?! Shhh don't hurt yourself!

He mumbled out how he wished I was here, how he was waiting for me. Break a girls heart why don't you! I came as soon as the Drs would let me! But he wanted me there the second he woke up. That sad mood was quickly turned when the next words out of his mouth were " My butt hurts." Ah, I'm right next to butt pain in your mind, how nice!

 I told him not to talk while he tried to talk to me. I made awkward conversation about how his surgery went but he seemed to already know a lot of the info. Imagine that a man who can't recall what I said 2 mins ago now remembers everything that was said to him in the last thirty minutes even though he is high as a kite.

I snapped a couple of pictures of him because I thought he'd want to see them at some point.

After about ten or twenty mins they were ready to wheel Brad to his room- NOT in the ICU! YAY!

On the way up I popped into the waiting room to grab Tim. I showed him the picture real quick so he could get his shocked face out of the way and off we went.

When we got to his room 4433B we answered another barrage of the same questions.  We could tell Brad really needed some sleep. He was settled in as best he could be for a 6 foot 7inch man in a 5 foot 7 inch bed! It wasn't really that small but his feet were hanging off. They had to take the foot board off. The butt pain was a little better in an actual bed vs a gurney too.

His nurse seemed like she was going to be on his meds and such so we stayed until about 9pm (after his round of pain killers) and then headed home.

I would return in the morning....

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