Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Paths I Wander Down

So Sunday, discharged with only a paper Rx... Did I mention this was also daylight savings day? Well it was and guess what? The clocks in my Jeep and in our house weren't changed, and my sleep deprived self didn't even remember it was daylight savings day.  This would prove to be a problem. A BIG problem.

Brad was in a ton of pain. He was taking 20ml of Oxycodone every 4 hours. So I was in a hurry to get that Rx filled so I'd have it when 4pm rolled around and he was due. We stopped at Rite Aid only to find out they don't carry Oxy and that the only pharmacy that did was Diplomat.

Brad decided I needed to call a ton of other pharmacies to double check. Why I chose to listen to the druggie I don't know, but I did. Eventually I called it good and decided I had time to jump in the shower while I waited for my MIL to come Brad-sit while I was gone.

Diplomat closed at 3 so as long as I left by 2:30 I would be okay. My clock said 1:30 so I was good. At 1:55 (my time) I was talking to a friend when she said it was 5 to 3. I told her she was wrong, then I realized I was ACK!

I called Diplomat first asking then begging the woman on the other line to stay open  until I got there. She refused. So I am crying at this point. I have absolutly no idea what I will do to fill this Rx tonight. I know there is NO WAY Brad could make it to 6pm let alone through the night without it. Finally the woman had some pitty on me. She told me I had 15 mins to get there. The Pharmacy is about 25 mins away.

I was running out the door, my MIL wasn't here yet. I just yelled upstairs I have to go right now, sorry. Brad was banging on the floor, he needed something but I didn't have a second to spare to find out what. So now I am driving way too fast worrying about what Brad needed. I like to go worst case senrio so I decided that Brad was upstairs dying, choking perhaps and I just ran out the door. The Rx I was going to get would be useless when I returned becasue he would be dead. Yep, that is the path my mind decided to wander down.

I pulled out my cell and started calling the house, hoping that if I called more then once Brad will get the picture and answer the phone. He didn't. So yep, I  am wandering further down the death path. Luckily my MIL got to the house and called me, everything is fine...ah I can breath...oh but not for long. Suddenly I can not decide what the fastest way to go is. I am doing like 90 down the expressway trying to decide where to go. I made my decsion hoping it was the right one. I'm watching the minutes tick by.

I pulled into the parking lot with seriously seconds to spare. I was shaking and crying, thanking, and apologizing. Lets just say the women working must have thought I was a crazy person! Oh well, we got the Rx filled.

The rest of the night I was just unable to destress from that event.

Moral of the story- if you are discharged on a weekend or evening have the hospital pharmacy fill the Rx before you leave. Only some pharmacies can carry narcotics like Oxycodone.

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