Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Long Live the White Label

I'm a cheap person, I'm pretty sure I've already established that. When I grocery shop I have some name brand things I have to buy but most of the time I just go for whatever is the cheapest- generic works for me unless it is Mac n Cheese, gotta have the blue box, cheese slices same thing has to be Kraft, are you sensing a cheese pattern? Really I buy off brand cheeses like provolone, etc...But this blog isn't about cheese so lets move on!

 I figure generic is just the same thing as the name brand but the name brand pays for all the advertising and has a higher price. That must really piss the name brand people off. I mean think about it, they spend all this money on marketing their product and then what happens? Consumers like me show up to buy some Tylenol, heck we even call it Tylenol not acetaminophen, but then we see the generic brand right there next to it for half the price. All those big words on the back look the same, just the box is different- usually white, no fancy packaging. I'm sold- same thing cheaper price; keeping some money in my pocket and down with the push it down your throat advertising to my children!

But today I started wondering if I was mistaken about the generic brand wonderment. I have bought off brand detergents for quite sometime. My clothes smelled clean but never that laundry smell that your grandma's towels have. So I picked up some Tide. Wow, the difference in smell right out of the drier! So now I am wondering what else have I went generic on and it is inferior but I have no idea. I might have to re-evaluate my whole system! Nah, I'm too cheap for that... I'll find these little gems on accident one day...long live the white label!

1 comment:

  1. There is so an article on the yahoo home page about this very thing today. I buy a lot of things in generic, but like you I hold out for name brand on a few items, Kraft slices is one of mine too, I like it to melt darn it. And miricle whip, can't do generic with that. But I like the generic bbq sauce better then name brand, funny how that works.
