Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Activia ( but you must sing that title not read it)

Have you seen the latest Activia commercials? Jamie Lee Curtis wants you America, to send in your Activia experience video.

Um, okay, what do these videos entail? I mean we all know what Activia's purpose is right? If not, it is to regulate your digestive track. That is code for make your poo regular. So again, what do they want in these videos? And why oh why would we want to see them?

I can see it now- A shot of you talking about how irregular you are, video of your hard dark poo. Then you eating activia, talking about how tasty it is of course, a shot of a clock (ya know to show the regularity, every day, same time kinda thing), then a shot of your nice normal poo. I mean really, is this really a product to send in home videos for? It isn't like a toy you can  show your children enjoying or a vacuum that cleans up huge messes, ya know something you'd really want to show or could decently show working.

So far I've seen 2 home videos on the commercials. They are just women talking about how regular they have become. Okay that is great, I'll run right out and buy it now! At least they keep the poo talk code and use works like digestive system and irregular.

I wonder what poor person has to view these videos for air- I mean really, think about what some of them must entail. I'm really thinking toilet shots have to be parts of them, they'd have to. Isn't this the job you want, viewing poo videos? I bet that person is just loving the advertisement executives that came up with this genius idea!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I started laughing so hard when they said they wanted to see my success video!! Ryan didn't get it, but it's so nice to hear that someone else did!! :D
