Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do you think we take credit?

**Do not respond to this ad if someone dear to you is close to death, if your car breaking down would really disrupt your day, you don’t really want to rush someone to the hospital, or if your sick days are all accounted for.***

I think I should start my Criagslist ads with this warning.

Apparently responding to my ad’s means one of these things will happen to you. At first I thought this coincidence was just that, a strange coincidence. People have car problems, kids get sick, grandparents die…all things that happen on a daily basis to people everywhere. I’m just having some bad luck with buyers, or more like my buyers are just having some bad luck.

But then  buyer after buyer, excuse after excuse…

“Oh! The breaks on my car went out, I’m so sorry. How about tomorrow?”
“I had to take my son to the ER, he broke his arm. I’ll come in a few days. Okay?”
“My grandma died.”
“I had to go to the Dr today and now I’m on antibiotics and I can’t be around people for 24 hours.”

These are just a few of the many, and I mean MANY excuses I have heard. What is even more annoying about all of these excuses is they are never given to me prior to the meeting time. Nope, always after, sometimes hours, other time days. Seriously people! We live in an age of technology, there are phones everywhere. Email, just as easy to get to. So why people, why can you get a hold of me before you disrupt my day. I tend to be a bit of a people pleaser so even if a time isn’t super convenient for me if it is for you I will try to make it work. Why do I do this? I know all of you are just going to screw me over. One would think I'd learn my lesson. No-showers I hate you!!!

Why is our society so rude? Why only care about yourself? I mean really, if I made a commitment to meet someone and there was some reason I couldn’t make it I would do everything I could to contact the person I was meeting. If my internet was down I would call a friend to email or look up a number for me. No phone, I’d walk to a neighbors. It would take a lot and I mean a lot to keep me from fulfilling my commitments. Isn't this what your mama taught you, or have people stopped teaching their children common courtesy?

Seriously people, if you don’t want to buy something then just don’t email me! And if you have committed to buy but then changed your mind- pick up the phone or the keyboard!!!

My other personal Craiglist favorite- The email that simply states “ is this still available?” Nope, ya know I just posted it 5 minutes ago but it’s gone already. I’m so isolated I post ads for things I don’t have to sell and things I do sell, well I leave those ads up just so I can get an email from you! And if you really want something why not ask a question about the item you have other then its avaliability? Maybe mention when you could pick up, ya know something to show the seller you are actually interested not that you have nothing more to do then email back and forth all day!

Then there is "that" person, the one who emails back and forth with you for days only to tell you that they don’t have any money at the moment. Really? So WHY ARE YOU SHOPPING!!!! This is Craigslist, do you think we take credit cards? How about we just give it to you free, is that what you are hoping for?

AHHHHH!!!! I get so annoyed with Craigslist, it makes me not want to even bother trying to sell my junk, just donate it instead. Every now and then I have a good experience so I guess that is what draws me back. Plus the ease of not having to ship it like I would with eBay, not take up my whole weekend like a garage sale, and the whole not just having junk sitting in my house part.

But still buyer beware, if you plan to buy from me bad luck is sure to come your way! So at the moment I’m selling Little People…..any interest???? Do you dare?

1 comment:

  1. Dude karma is a horrid thing and what comes around goes around. So be rest assured knowing that these craigslist morons are going to get theirs. I would be so annoyed, too.

    And what is it telling our children?

    That is why I donate. Someone picks it up or I drop it off. It's all good. I don't make a buck, but I don't have clutter everywhere.

    I feel your pain though Becky.
