Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yes Mom, I'll call the Dr.

Ugh, I have chest pains. I have them a lot. And yes mom, I've been to the Dr. She says I have Mitral Valve Prolapse which can cause chest pains in some victims, I mean patients... But I still worry, who wouldn't? And guess what? Worrying can make them worse- yay!

I seem to go through pain cycles. I can go months with very few pains then months when it is near non- stop. Being pregnant was totally a cure for me, not a chest pain one when I was a preggo fatty. But we all know that isn't happening again, baby hating and all...

So what to do? The Dr ran a bunch of test to help set my mind at ease...EKG, Stress Echo, 24 hr halter monitor... nothing of mention shows up. Well, my cholesterol was getting a little high at the last test and I'm due for a repeat screening but I keep putting it off because I know I've eaten badly the last 7 weeks. With Brad not eating, dinner has turned into whatever I know the kids won't really complain about. So that equals take out, cheese covered things, pasta, nuggets, ya know all the heart healthy stuff! But surely that isn't the cause of the recent bout, nope no way, that could not be it! My google medical degree says so!

Anyways, about a year back my Dr gave me a Rx for Xanax thinking if I took it when the pain started it might relax me and make them go away, yep didn't work- but the Xanax has come in handy for other times, like say family trips with all the in laws in a teeny tiny cabin all together, and that bird, that darn, chirpy, squawking, talking bird (oh there is a blog topic!)! Seriously though, I'm no Xanax addict, I've taken less then 10 total in a year.

So obviously, right now I am in one of those chest pain cycles...blah...seems to be after I eat this time around. Nope, still not accepting it is from my diet... nope! I'm young, I can eat whatever.... And yes, I'll keep telling myself that!

Other times the pain comes  when I lay down. The pain moves around and changes sensations too. Sometimes I'm being stabbed, other times it is like someone is sitting on my chest, then there is the dull ache. Makes it hard for the Dr to pin point. What can I say? I like to be difficult!

Alright, so maybe this recent bout is from my diet... man this whole getting old thing sucks. And no worries mom, I'll get that blood test this week and schedule an appt with my Dr. I really don't like these chest pains more then anyone else, well maybe Brad, he really hates for me to mention them. What can I say I am irreplaceable!  But trust me thinking you are possibly having a heart attack and somewhat unaware thinking it is just regular ol' chest pains not the best on ones nerves.

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