Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Bring This Up Later Plan...Backfires

I keep pushing Brad to get up and get moving. Not necessarily to JUMP back into regular life, but maybe crawl on in.  So at 5 weeks and 3 days he made a step. Unfortunatly for me and my pushy self, telling him he'd feel better if he got up, it did not end well.

He spent the morning working from home, yes in bed. After work he stayed in bed playing video games. The kids and I had dinner then asked him if he'd go sit poolside and help keep an eye on the kids while I swam with them, he agreed. As we were walking out the door he mentioned he was hungry but said he'd eat when we returned home, he is hungry all the time anyways. I offered to blend something and stick it in a bottle to go, and ha ha no, not a baby bottle.

Once we got to the pool he decided he was going to try getting in with us. Not swimming like usual but just floating around.   He was actually far more active then I thought he would be in the pool. I was feeling very good about what a big step this was in his recovery and of course pretty proud of myself for getting him to come along. Yep, I was patting myself on the back thinking how I could bring this swimming trip up later to remind him of just how much he could do and how good he'd feel getting up.

I decided we didn't need to push it and really wear him out , that would really mess with my bring this up later plan, so when it was getting close to an hour in the pool I said it was hot tub/shower/dress/leave time. The boys went off to their locker room and Lucy and I to ours.

This part of the story I wasn't there for...Apparently, Brad laid in the hot tub for about ten minutes. Just his head was out of the water. Then he went to the shower where the problems began. He said he started to feel dizzy, nauseated, light headed and next thing he knew he woke up on the floor. So like any smart man he immmediatly stood up and then guess what, he woke up again on the floor. Luckily he kinda slid down the wall so when he woke up he was kinda sitting with his back against the wall. Can you imagine what could have happened had he fallen on his face? I don't even want to think about it.

Both the boys are with him but in seperate showers. They both saw him fall twice, well they saw his feet pop out from under the shower curtain, but here is the kicker- neither one of them did anything. Apparently I have completely failed at teaching my children how to react in an emergency. I really thought at least Levi had this concept of going to get help down, I mean he has crazy worrier me as a mom. I was sadly mistaken. Levi said Brad was only on the floor for about 10 seconds each time. Maybe if Brad stayed down longer one of them would have went to get help or at least went into Brad's shower to check on him, I'd like to hope so at least.

While Brad is creating his own personal drama in the boys room Lucy and I are blissfully unaware. We beat them out of the locker room so I was wandering around taking care of some school PTO things. I see Brad and he says lets go, but I wasn't quite done so I finished my conversation then met him at the Jeep. This is when he tells me about the fainting and I one, freak out and two, feel like an ass for being slow about leaving.

He still wasn't feeling well and if you have ever blacked out then you might understand the residual blahs that come with it. I used to almost pass out a lot when I was a teenager. I'd get right to where I lose vision but was never completely out and man those incidents would wipe me out for hours. So as soon as we got home I sent him back to bed. Look at me acting like I had to, that is his permanent spot when he is in the house. I made him some food to drink then he went to sleep. He slept for 16 hours. Poor guy.

Okay Brad, you win, you didn't have to be so dramatic about it but fine, stay in bed...


  1. Ya know Becky it was just probably his blood pressure was messed up from the cold pool water, then hot tub water, then the shower.

  2. I'm sure that is what it was, he didn't buy it at first. He had to google passing out/hot tubs. But I know him, he will be taking it extra easy none the less!
