Saturday, April 3, 2010

Oh look you got your big boys pants on all by yourself!

18 days after Brad's surgery we finally had his first post-op appt.

We had the normally hurry up and wait experience. I made sure to pack Brad's "diaper bag." When you have a baby you can't leave the house without one! I packed his meds, some baby food, juice, carnation packets, his syringe and tube, and chap stick. What did I forget- oh just the special cutters they gave us to cut Brad's bands should he have an airway emergency, ya know the ones they told us to keep on hand at all times. So nothing important at all...

This was Brad's first outing. Seeing him in clothes was shocking, I had forgotten what he looked like with pants on and not laying in bed! This was his first real significant movement of any kind. I was not sure how it would go. He has been complaining a lot about temperature regulation issues, getting very tired and sore after just very small movements.

I was not excited for the drive there or back. I drugged him right before we left. Whenever Brad, or anyone really, is in the car with me and I am driving I feel so judged, like my every move is critiqued. Brad is really the worst one, I usually just let him drive (and then critique his driving!) So this feeling is amplified because I know he is in pain. Now every bump I hit, every car that pulls in front of me and makes me break, just everything is messing with my nerves. Seriously not even 10 mins into the drive we are yelling at each other (well the best Brad can yell)- and we don't yell, we very rarely fight about anything but I went to switch lanes a car was in my blind spot, I guess I jerked the jeep a lil, I scared Brad, he asked what I was doing, I took the defensive route and got all huffy, he got huffy back... ya know just a great start to our drive!

Luckily Brad didn't feel like talking so no more comments were made and the rest of our drive was uneventful, well uneventful in the car I can't even tell you the amount of idiots that cut me off and made me shut my cruise off- grrrr...

But this post isn't about the drive, it is about the appointment so maybe I should get to that....

I dropped Brad off at the front door, then parked and met him in the lobby. He was thinking he didn't have enough energy to walk from the parking ramp in. We made it to the Oral Surgery Office and checked in. Rather quickly we were taken back to a room. Brad got the pimp dental chair to sit in. It reclined so he was all set. He was just done drooling on himself by now- the walk in, the waiting room time- all drool time for Brad.

The procedure room really should be called the waiting room because this is where we did all the waiting! Finally about an hour after our scheduled appt time a Dr came in, well a resident I guess, I don't know the difference. He was one I remembered from surgery day. I like him, he was the "ghetto braces" coiner. He asked how things were going, gave Brad a quick look over, then left. Next Dr.Tucan came in- that isn't his name but that is what I am going with because his name sounds like that and I think it is a better name anyways, makes one think of yummy colorful fruit loops not jaw sawing pain! So anyways, Dr. Tucan asked the same questions. And guess what?! Our answers were the same! Brad had a list of questions/concerns so we made sure to go over those.

Chin pain - it is normal and a good sign that nerves are regenerating
Ear Pain- again normal, have fun dealing with that
Bands- apparently I have been doing a good job replacing them. In 4 weeks he comes back they will either leave those bands on or switch him to looser ones but they are not coming off. Wow, that is a lil shocker, we thought 6 weeks and bands were off!
Sleeping- Brad wanted to stop sleeping on a wedge and wondered if sleeping on his face was ok. The Dr said yes he could lay flat once again and sleeping on the side of his face was fine.

I mentioned that Brad wasn't really getting out of bed hoping they would tell him to get his bootie UP! They kinda told him he should get up and get moving but guess what they are men- and I think you men have a lil code- a lets all pretend like we are dying when we are even just a little sick or hurt because if we all do it maybe those women folk will just believe that really sickness/pain is just harder on our gender code.@@ you annoying baby men!

I also had to complain just a little at the end of the appt, I was very nice about it but U of M has been stressing me out. So I nicely told the Dr that maybe he wasn't aware but when they discharge patients on a Sunday they may want to make sure they fill their Rx at the hospital pharmacy and tell the patients that not every pharmacy carries Oxycodone. He kinda listened to me but doubtful it will sink in.

So the Summery is that everything looks great. Swelling will take a few more weeks to go completely down. The numbness can last a few more months to possibly forever but usually by about 6 months feeling in face returns. We go back in 4 more weeks to see how everything is healing and to possibly get looser bands.

We got a few more syringes and bands then went on our way. Brad actually walked all the way out to the Jeep in the ramp. Then he slept on the way home. Out of his jeans and back to bed once we were home... I've forgotten what my husband looks like dressed... Once he does get up and get dressed I bet his clothes don't fit... I think he is about 20 lbs down by now...

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